Celebrating Seattle's Roosevelt Neighborhood
RNA  |  The Roosevelt Neighborhood Association

Adopt A Street

Every first Saturday Roosevelt Adopt-A-Street litter clean-up!

Every first Saturday of the month, get together to help keep Roosevelt beautiful. We make it easy and fun! Rain or shine!


  • Meet at 9:45 AM in the parking lot of the Calvary Christian Assembly–look for the white pickup. After a brief safety talk we will pick up litter from 10 AM – noon. At noon those who wish to do so will meet at MoRA (6105 Roosevelt) for coffee or wine or whatever you wish.
  • Everything you need will be provided: safety vests, gloves, bags, grabber. (But not hand sanitizer; please bring some with you).
  • No need to drag a full bag back to the meeting place! Just text the coordinator and it will be picked up in the truck.
  • All equipment can be left outside MoRA or with your bag to be picked up.
  • All ages are welcome.
  • This activity can be used to fulfill high school service hour requirements! Other community service hours workers are also welcome.

The fine print (but still pretty important):

  • You are welcome to drop a bag and text the coordinator to pick it up when it gets too heavy for you (or your child) to carry–there is no need to feel you must fill it up.
  • Please always return the gear! We only get so much from the city and don’t want to get caught short on future pick ups.
  • Please don’t bring the gear inside MoRA–you just used it to pick up trash and it’s not clean enough to be in a restaurant. The bins will be outside.
  • The Adopt-A-Street program currently has no system for recycling. If you want to recycle anything you find, please use public recycling bins or take it home with you. As an AAS volunteer, you are explicitly allowed to use all public recycling bins, including those at the light rail station. It’s also fine to use bins out in the neighborhood; just don’t get carried away and fill any of them up.
  • Make it a habit to always use the grabber, not your hands, to pick up trash. Whereas needles have become less common they are still out there, as are other things that might hurt you. If you find some trash you can’t pick up with the grabber, let the coordinator know. As for needles, you can text the coordinator to come get them for proper disposal; it’s best if you don’t mess with them at all. If you are bringing children, please educate them beforehand about needles, though if they consistently use the grabber this shouldn’t be an issue.
  • Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Teens will not be directly supervised by us during the pick up; we are operating on trust. Sign-offs on any community service hours will take place at MoRA at or after noon unless otherwise arranged in advance with the coordinator. The coordinator has a current background check on file.
  • If you must leave your grabber and other gear anywhere other than at MoRA, please make sure it is out of sight and then let the coordinator know where to find it. (Please don’t hide it TOO well!)

Please consider putting the Find It/Fix It app on your phone. This is a quick and easy way to report accumulations of trash and other problems to the city. They are quick and efficient dealing with most issues. You can find it here for Android and is also available in the Apple app store.

If you want to help keep the neighborhood clean between our events, please contact adoptastreet@seattle.gov. They will supply you with bags, a grabber, gloves, and a safety vest. And after you have filled two bags they will even come pick them up!

Please email rna@rooseveltseattle.org with questions or suggestions. And thanks!