Land Use

The mission of the Land Use Committee is to ensure, through education and collaboration, that land use, design decisions, and transportation planning affecting the Roosevelt Neighborhood contribute to the strong neighborhood vision described in the Roosevelt Neighborhood Plan.

Land Use Committee projects include:

  • Land Use Academy: a series of community-driven seminar and group discussions that give neighbors the opportunity to learn about and develop local land use policy
  • Identify and monitor land use proposals and actions that affect Roosevelt, and disseminate information to community members regarding land use and design proposals and meetings.
  • Inform city officials, developers, and other concerned parties about the Roosevelt Neighborhood Plan and its vision for the design, character, and health of the community
  • Engage members of the Roosevelt community to take action in response to land use proposals and actions
  • Serve as the primary steward of the land use and design guidelines contained within the Roosevelt Neighborhood Plan and ensure that they are periodically and appropriately reviewed and updated

Get involved with the Land Use Committee. For more information, check the RNA blog regularly or contact the committee chair,

For information on current Roosevelt area development proposals, check out:

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