Weedin Place Project

Weedin Place Public Space and Gateway Project

Weedin Place was identified within the neighborhood guidelines as a gateway location into our neighborhood from Greenlake. In 2014, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) granted permission for the cut-across street between NE 65th St and 8th Ave NE to be converted into a public space and gateway. A Steering Committee held community brainstorming sessions, neighborhood meetings, and featured at the Bull Moose festival to educate neighbors about the project and solicit feedback on the design. In 2015, Chris Burnside was selected as the artist to implement his Roosevelt Glacier concept.


In June 2017, the Roosevelt Neighborhood Association (RNA) held a community work party that converted the street into a public plaza, the commendable result of a multi-year, volunteer led project. SDOT closed the street to thru traffic, put down thermoplastic striping and patterns, and dozens of community members painted the street and commemorated the event with stage music and giveaways from local businesses. The kid-friendly event included a free pancake breakfast, kid’s activities, and an all-ages band to help us celebrate!

The RNA is grateful for the support of the following sponsors:

Stage Sponsors







Event Partners



Raffle Contributors





The Weedin Place project site is located on Weedin Pl. NE between NE 65th St. & 8th Ave. NE. This location is between the Bus Stop Espresso and the Shell gas station near the Interstate-5 Park and Ride. The street closure will preserve the Shell driveway to the south and the driveway to the new townhouses located on the corner of NE 66th St. and Weedin Pl. NE.









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