Read an introduction to the Land Use Academy from Jim O’Halloran.
A community-driven project for neighbors to learn about and develop local land use policy
HALA – RNA Land Use Academy : Saturday, December 10th, 2016 10:00am – 12:00pm
Calvary Christian Assembly, lower floor gymnasium, 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
The City has drafted plans which will reshape transit-oriented communities. The proposed changes will affect all residential and commercial properties in the Roosevelt, and some Ravenna parcels east of 15th Ave NE.
It is very important for local residents to understand and provide input on the HALA land use policies before they are finalized in 2017. We are all stakeholders in the community. Please participate!
This event will focus on small group discussions & comments following short presentations on the HALA background and draft-plans.
Other Information
Free for Interested Community Members!
Observers Welcome!
Meetings will be video recorded and posted to the links above.
Download a flier for print: LUA HALA flier
For more information or to reserve your seat in class contact Jay Lazerwitz at
Or sign up here:
previous sessions: The RNA Land Use Academy began as a series of 5 meetings in 2015 to educate and organize the community around issues of pressing importance in our neighborhood:
- Sat., July 25th – Roosevelt 101 – Recent History of Land Use Planning in Roosevelt
- Sat., Sept. 19th – Land Use 201 – Current Issues in Land Use Planning
- Date TBD – Roosevelt 301 – Sisley Property Redevelopment
- Sat., Oct. 24th – Roosevelt 302 – Sound Transit Light Rail TOD
- Tues. Dec. 1st – Roosevelt 303 – Roosevelt Reservoir
The overall objective of the Land Use Academy is to distill and to document community sentiment around each of the last three topics above. For each subject, the RNA intends to produce a short report and summary of survey data and other outreach activity within the Land Use Academy.
To produce the best quality input from the RNA, the first two LUA meetings are primarily instructive and educational. “Roosevelt 101” will recount neighborhood planning and rezoning discussions spanning parts of three decades. “Land Use 201” will introduce a wide variety of current land use issues, including affordable housing, open space, livability and selected transportation topics.
The spirit of the Land Use Academy is to build a shared understanding of community history and values, upon which to develop local land use policy pertaining to particular projects and locations. City government wants to know what we think.
The focus of the Land Use Academy is on neighborhood residents and stakeholders, so that their concerns can be most effectively communicated. However, meetings will be open to any interested party. All participants are encouraged to understand the overall program structure of the Land Use Academy; that the first two meetings, Roosevelt 101 and Land Use 201, are primarily “listening” sessions, and that the three “electives”, Roosevelt 301, 302 and 303 are intended to capture community input. Meetings will be video-recorded for online access.
Neighborhood land use is an often weighty and contentious matter with long-lasting consequences. An historical awareness and thoughtful perspective amidst competing interests is essential for realizing the best possible outcomes for everyone. Welcome to the RNA Land Use Academy!
Event Info

Roosevelt 101 – Recent History
Saturday, July 25, 2015 – 10:00 AM
At the Bull Moose Festival
6801 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
Calvary Christian Assembly
Land Use 201 – Current Issues in Land Use Planning
Saturday, September 19th, 2015
10:00am – 11:30am
Calvary Christian Assembly, Room 313
6801 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
Topic-Specific Meetings
• Saturday, Oct. 24th – Light Rail Transit Oriented Development
• Tuesday, Dec. 1st – Roosevelt Reservoir
• Date TBD – Sisley Property Redevelopment